Your inner
brilliance awaits

In a time of great transformation, where it’s easy to get lost among endless ideas about who or what you should be, Atrayka is a talisman of calm and reassurance, offering a path back home to who you really are.

Hi, I’m Risha.

When I first came across the Gene Keys, I was intrigued, yet a little afraid — it’s as though I intuitively knew this was going to catapult me into a higher version of myself. What started as inner child and shadow work, led to a natural death + rebirth of my life’s work and vocation. 

I founded my company ‘ATRAYKA’ (derived from my middle name; pronounced at-ray-ka) to empower others in creating a slower, simpler, more heart-centred way of living and working. The role I play in your evolution is of a guide and facilitator — I am here to remind you that no matter how tough life may get, you will always be find a way back to yourself.

I currently offer curated mentorship packages and love working with my clients over a long period of time. Send me a note if you’d like to connect.

Our Services

We use the living wisdom of Gene Keys to guide people toward their inner brilliance, attuning them to their highest essence so they may better navigate the world with integrity and grace. What makes our service genuine is the heart-centred way we relate to people. We’ve been there before and know what it feels like to be out of alignment with our inner light and highest self. Moving from this place of experience and knowing allows us to greet people with understanding, compassion and grace — while still inspiring them to break down their blocks and bring their hearts back into the fold as a way to achieve more harmony in their lives.
